This workshop will take place on Sep. 12-15, 2022 in the beautiful city of Vienna. The workshop is sponsored by the SuperQuLAN project and specifically addresses questions related to the scalability of superconducting quantum computers and quantum networks beyond the current boundaries imposed by the walls of the dilution refrigerator. Topics for this workshop include intra- and inter-chip quantum communication, cryogenic quantum links, microwave-to-optics conversion, quantum state transfer protocols and distributed quantum algorithms, as well as many other topics related to the realization and operation of large-scale quantum networks in general.

More details can be found here.

The official Summer School of the SuperQuLAN project will take place on Sep. 59, 2022 in the beautiful city of Santander, Spain. The school is organized by CSIC and will address a broad range of topics related to quantum information processing quantum computing and superconducting circuits.

More details can be found here.